Meet the team

Fatima Raja
Fatima is an editor who works with researchers in anthropology and sociology, and consults as an editor, writer and reporting specialist for various United Nations agencies. Formerly a newspaper editor, cricket correspondent, beekeeper and a higher education drone, she gave it all up for life on the road until the pandemic hit.

Marco Di Nunzio
(founder & editor-in-chief)
Marco is an anthropologist, urban ethnographer and militant wanderer. He has spent the last ten years researching the street economy and the politics of city building in Addis Ababa. He has way too many side projects and hopes to write and research more about housing in Lagos, activism in Birmingham and the politics of urban encounters in his hometown Naples. He teaches anthropology at the University of Birmingham and is the director of the documentary A day in Arada. His first book The Act of Living. Street life, marginality and development in urban Ethiopia was published in 2019 with Cornell University Press.
Follow Marco on Twitter.

Orkideh Behrouzan
(poetry editor)
Orkideh is a physician and medical anthropologist based in London. A bilingual author and poet in Persian and English, she is the author of Prozak Diaries: Psychiatry and Generational Memory in Iran (2016, Stanford University Press).
Her ethnographically informed creative writing has been published in journals including Consequence and Frontiers and adapted to the theatre stage in the UK. She teaches at SOAS University of London.
Visit Orkideh's website.

Letizia Bonanno
(visual editor)
Letizia is a social anthropologist who sometimes lives and works in Manchester, sometimes in Lyon and sometimes in Italy too. Her research interests lie at the intersection of medical and political anthropology, and she has carried out research in Italy and Greece looking at the entanglements of state politics, biomedicine and gender in times of austerity. For the past four years, she has been a lecturer, a postdoc fellow, a research associate, an illustrator and a ghost writer. At some point in the future, she will sit and draw her ethnographic novel based on her research in Athens. She is aware this is just wishful thinking and not a self-fulling prophecy. For now, she does graphic anthropology and disegnetti about things and people happening around her.

Olivia Casagrande
(multimodal and fiction editor)
Olivia is a social anthropologist with research interests in socio-racial inequalities, indigenous urbanism and alternative urban epistemologies. She works at the crossroads of social and visual anthropology, urban studies, and the arts. She firmly believes in interdisciplinary and collaborative research - even when it’s painful – and has been exploring art-based and digital methods to generate spaces for dialogue, exchange and knowledge within and beyond academia. Olivia is currently a Postdoc and Wenner Gren fellow at the University of Sheffield. She recently realised she should have worked in theatre instead.

Asiya Islam
(fiction and non-fiction editor)
Asiya is a sociologist and Lecturer in Work and Employment Relations at the University of Leeds. She is interested in the study of gender, class, and emerging forms of work. Her research includes long term ethnography with young lower middle class women in Delhi and a growing project on gender, digital technology, and the future of work.
Follow Asiya on Twitter.

Emily Kennedy
(fiction and non-fiction editor)
Emily is a trained anthropologist and has worked as a journalist and magazine editor for over 10 years in Canada, the USA and Australasia. She has taught as a journalism instructor and guest lecturer. Her research in the sphere of anthropology and journalism led to the creation of -- an online resource for journalists looking to use ethnographic methods in their reporting.

Eleni Kotsira
(poetry editor)
Eleni is a social anthropologist, poet and dancer, constantly worried about environmental disasters and their socioeconomic impacts, the climate crisis and the future of this planet (other people would call those ‘research interests’). When she can, she escapes to Samothraki, Greece’s northernmost island, which she first encountered as a holiday destination, then it turned into her research fieldwork, and eventually the island became her second home and writing retreat. Since completing her PhD at the University of St Andrews, Eleni has been focusing on research that informs public policies at Alma Economics where she’s leading the Social Research team.
Visit Eleni's website
and read her own writing blog (in English & Greek)

Ewa Majczak
(fiction editor)
Ewa is an ERSC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE. Ewa’s research focuses on how new media technologies influence gender inequalities within society. She holds a PhD in anthropology from the University of Oxford where she examined the influence of digital visual technologies on young women’s livelihoods in Yaoundé, Cameroon, dealing in particular with their economic and intimate prospects.

Laura Moran
(creative non-fiction and memoir editor)
Laura is an anthropologist and ethnographer specializing in participatory youth research. She is the director of the Refugee Project for Stone Soup Magazine, an acclaimed literary journal for youth. In this role, she teaches ethnographically based creative writing workshops to young people living in refugee camps globally, and in other community-based settings, and collects and curates their writing for publication and broader public dissemination. Laura is a strong proponent of teaching ethnography in communities outside of the academy and teaches anthropology in both academic and community-based settings. Her first book, Belonging and Becoming in a Multicultural World: Refugee Youth and the Pursuit of Identity was published with Rutgers University Press in 2020.

Niharika Pandit
(fiction and non-fiction editor)
Niharika is a feminist theorist and educator interested in questions of coloniality, militarism, everyday politics and anticolonial possibilities through transnational and de/postcolonial feminist epistemologies. She is currently Fellow in Gender Studies at LSE. Besides co-conceptualising the collective education project ‘Insurgent Knowledges’, Niharika is currently working on her first book based on her PhD research.
Follow Niharika on Twitter.

Rosa Sansone
(fiction and non-fiction editor)
Rosa is a social anthropologist based somewhere between London, Istanbul and Italy. Her research is broadly concerned with the relationship between urban transformations and political imaginaries under the Tunisian democratic transition. She was a Lecturer at the Sociology Department at the University of Essex and BoÄŸaziçi University in Turkey.

Jose Sherwood Gonzalez
(visual and sound editor)
Jose is a British Mexican artist and visual anthropologist with research interests in memory, storytelling and truth-making through visual, sensory and digital methods. Since 2014, he has worked in Mexico City, investigating the ways in which families create and embody myths through storytelling. A recent graduate from the MA in Visual Anthropology at the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology, José is an international researcher who balances the practical and theoretical aspects of digital and visual anthropology through comics and other creative/participatory methods.

Grace H. Zhou
(poetry editor)
Grace is a writer and anthropologist with a PhD from Stanford University. Her research and writing explore transnational intimacies, care and precarity in late capitalist and postsocialist contexts, and the mobility of settler colonial formations. She is the author of the poetry chapbook Soil Called a Country (Newfound, October 2023). Her poems appear or are forthcoming in Ninth Letter, Narrative Magazine, Beloit Poetry Journal, The Stinging Fly, Frontier Poetry, Longleaf Review, The Margins, and elsewhere. Her work has been supported by the National Science Foundation, Social Science Research Council, Irish Research Council, Kearny Street Workshop, Tin House Workshops, and other organizations. She currently holds a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship at Maynooth University.
(Advisors and contributors)
Ubah Cristina Ali Farah
Ubah is a Somali Italian poet, novelist, playwright, librettist and performer. She has published two novels, Madre piccola (Little mother) and Il comandante del fiume (The commander of the river). She is the recipient of the Lingua Madre and Vittorini Prizes. In addition to her literary work, she holds a PhD in African Studies, focusing on Somali popular theatre.
David Berliner
David is a Belgian anthropologist. He is a professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. He writes about social memory, nostalgia and cultural transmission. He describes himself as an immobile nomad, a nostalgic futurist, a relativist in search of universalism, a theoretical empiricist.
Alcinda Honwana
Alcinda is Professor of Anthropology and International Development. She is currently Inter-Regional Adviser on social development policy at the United Nations in New York. Her extensive research and analysis of youth politics and social movements, especially in Africa, earned her the reputation as one of the most influential scholars in the field. Her latest books include Youth and Revolution in Tunisia (2013) and The Time of Youth: Work Social Change and Politics in Africa (2012). Alcinda is the Chair of the International African Institute and an editor of the African Arguments Book Series.
Abdoumaliq Simone
For three decades, AbdouMaliq has worked with practices of social interchange, technical arrangements, local economy, and the constitution of power relations that affect how heterogeneous cities are lived. He has worked on remaking municipal systems, training local government personnel, designing collaborative partnerships among technicians, residents, artists, and politicians. AbdouMaliq is Senior Professorial Fellow at the Urban Institute, University of Sheffield.
Alisse Waterston
Alisse is a professor of anthropology at City University of New York’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Her recent books include the graphic novel, Light in Dark Times: The Human Search for Meaning, illustrated by Charlotte Corden, and My Father’s Wars: Migration, Memory, and the Violence of a Century. She is a fellow of the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, and editor of the Berghahn Book series “Intimate Ethnography.”
Helena Wulff
Helena is a Swedish anthropologist, professor at Stockholm University. Her research interests are in expressive cultural form and aesthetics, based on a wide range of studies of the social worlds of literary production, writing, dance and visual culture. Currently, she is engaged in a study of migrant writing in Sweden. Among her recent publications are the monograph Rhythms of Writing: An Anthropology of Irish Literature (2017) and the edited volume The Anthropologist as Writer: Genres and Contexts in the Twenty-First Century (2016).
Otherwise is published in Newport, UK